Benefits of Our Water Catchment System

We remain committed to sustainability and preservation

Across all of our locations, we store over 66,000 gallons of rainwater

Water Catchment

How does a water catchment system work?

Our water catchment systems collect and store rainwater. The stored water is then used for irrigation of the landscaping trees and grass at that location. 

Implementing rainwater harvesting is beneficial because it reduces the demand on existing water supply and reduces the runoff, erosion and contamination of surface water.

Some environmental benefits from our water catchment systems include:

  • Improves landscaping growth because rainwater is natural and free of treatment chemicals.
  • Decrease both the impact on the existing water infrastructure (e.g., dams, pipes and treatment plants) and the need for new infrastructure. Adding new facilities is a huge cost which the water company ultimately passes down to all consumers.
  • Reduces the damage to our creeks, water habitats and organisms caused by stormwater runoff.

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